Adaptability is becoming a competitive advantage for businesses in an era of risks and uncertainties. As the pandemic continues to transform operations, organizations have to adapt to the changing working patterns of such a progressive business industry.

A Forbes report reveals that 84% of executives consider adaptability and innovation as the primary factors driving their business growth strategies. One way of ensuring adaptability is to use custom software solutions in accommodating business changes to create better customer experiences and increase overall efficiency.

Custom software platforms also allow organizations to integrate existing business applications to make processes more streamlined while reducing operational costs. While the advantages of custom software are endless, spotting one that fits your business requirements can be challenging with so many market options. This article will provide several tips to consider when choosing a custom software platform to prevent costly mistakes and ensure that the solution brings value to your operations. 

1. Review Existing Processes

Reviewing current business processes and identifying areas for improvement are crucial aspects in finding the right software solution. Businesses often get too caught up with new custom software solutions hitting the market that they fail to take into account their existing processes and needs in the selection process. Although making quick decisions is key to becoming and staying competitive, not doing your due diligence may prevent you from maximizing the custom software’s potential.

A custom-built solution usually requires a significant investment, and wasting this through emotion-based selection may negatively affect your bottom line. Evaluating existing processes helps you create a facts-based comprehensive plan, increasing the likelihood of the software to fit with your operations seamlessly. It also eliminates employee opposition during the implementation process.
2. Talk to Employees and Industry Associates

There are so many types of customized software, and weeding through all options by yourself can be time-consuming and increase potential mistakes. Therefore, speaking with industry associates and employees is vital in narrowing options and ensuring that your solution won’t flop in the real world. If you are looking to find a HR software that fits your needs, your best option might be to look for first-hand recommendations for easy decision-making.

Unlike other software solutions, the HR solution provider selection process can be tricky since most customized applications are specifically designed for a particular industry. What might work for the finance sector may not yield the same results for the construction industry. Talking to your associates ensures that the HR software you choose is customized for your industry, allowing you to generate sufficient returns on investment (ROI).

3. Check Software Review and Comparison Sites

Checking software review and comparison sites is another alternative to gaining expert knowledge about multiple customized software solutions. These sites are typically brimming with industry experts to provide you with a quick yet comprehensive overview of a software’s functionality and features.

This way, you no longer have to scour over the web to demonstrate your preferred solutions, enabling you to speed up the decision-making process. Other comparison sites also show user reviews, so you learn what organizations from your industry think about the solution. Gaining feedback from industry leaders allows you to coordinate with software providers to develop a customized solution that performs well at your scale.

4. Consider Software Development Technologies

Software developers use unique technologies when building customizable software applications, and it is your job to know them. Having a gist of the technologies they are currently using for their software projects that their customized applications meet your requirements. It also ensures that their solutions are made using innovative computing techniques which can deliver your desired application performance.

Assessing the software development technologies used in the solution also guarantees that your application won't project any issues that may prevent users from taking advantage of the software. This also makes it easier to integrate the new software to your existing solutions so that you can enhance internal controls and improve overall process efficiencies.

5. Evaluate and Compare Software Features 

A rule of thumb is to conduct a comprehensive research of the software providers in your space that can deliver your desired platform and narrow them down based on the features most important to you. This ensures that your software won't encounter future incompatibility issues and makes it easier to manage updates and bugs.

Finding Customizable Software that Meets your Requirements

Every business has unique requirements, and finding customizable software that aligns with their goals can be challenging, considering the number of providers in the market. Therefore, taking advantage of employee feedback and the power of good timing through HR software is key to spotting a customizable solution that works well with your operations. One of the leading HR software platforms you can use during the search process is XperienceHR.

XperienceHR is a dynamic and hybrid HR platform designed to help organizations manage their workers remotely. It comes with robust time tracking, reporting, employee feedback, and attendance capabilities, which work conjointly to ensure everyone is working towards similar goals. XperienceHR offers three pricing packages, all of which are available on a quote basis.